Hey Jadepanda, I will do my best to cover all the issues presented with the your last post. If I miss anything please let me know and I'll see if I can answer your questions.
Firstly: AI stands for Aromatase Inhibitor. Aromatase inhibitors block the synthesis of Estrogen. Which cures up Estrogen related side effects, such as your gyno problem.
Secondly: I'm glad you have a decent base knowledge of the basic lifts and exercises. This will save us, you, much time, and all of us headaches

. If you ever have any questions regarding how to properly execute a certain exercise just ask myself or the many good bros on elitefitness. We love to help.
Thirdly: Diet- A fighter's diet is paramount to his training and progression as a fighter. Fighter's diets should be a little carb heavier than normal people's diets. The carbs should be clean and Low on the GI. With all of the metabolic work you do when training you can quickly burn out your glycogen stores, and it's important to keep these adequately filled or you will overtrain quickly. Looking at your diet I do have some minor suggestions. Lets look at your meals and make some slight revisions.
Breakfast: Keep the oatmeal. A half cup is perfect. Keep the eggs but add more. Like 3 egg whites and 1 whole egg. Drop the Juice and milk. These contain processed sugar that will only hinder your personal progression and negate your training efforts. Keep the fruits! Bananas and Raspberries/Blueberries are great. Bananas provide potassium to keep your electrolyte balance in check which prevents cramping and the berries provide anti-oxydants to keep you safe from free radicals.
Lunch: Salad is fine, sandwiches are fine, just make sure you get about 30-50g of Carbs and the same for protein. Make sure you get plenty of green fibrous veggies in your diet. So if you were to rock the salad I would use spinach and Kale instead of Iceberg lettuce. Add the chicken and a little EVOO and some balsamic vinegar and you have an excellent lunch.
Dinner: Keep the meat. If you eat beef eat it sparingly. You'll just feel a little heavy on it. Don't get me wrong I love steak just like any other man, but it's not so good for us mobile athletes. I'd rock fish or chicken. Pasta is an awesome choice! Especially if it's whole wheat pasta! Sweet potatoes are excellent for carbs too. Definitely keep the steamed veggies too.
Now here are the critiques.
STOP DRINKING SODA DAMNIT!!! IT IS UNDERMINING THE HARD WORK YOU PUT INTO YOUR DIET AND YOUR TRAINING!!! I'm not sure what the reason, excuse, or addiction you have is...I don't care....just stop. Drink Gatorade if you need the sugar fix. Gatorade is great for pre and during hydration. If you can just drink at least a gallon of water a day.
Snacks: I like the snacks you have. Try to make it a meal though. 3 meals is not enough, plus it doesn't rev the metabolic furnace high enough. You're shooting 4-6 meals a day.
Protein shakes: you mentioned you take one a day. I would increase it to two. One right when you wake up. When you sleep your body starts to go catabolic. You don't want that, so when you first wake up, you take in that quick absorbing protein and that stops that unfavorable process. The other one you want to consume would be right after your workout. Whole food proteins are great but just aren't absorbed quick enough to repair the damage done to your muscle fibers while you train. Whey protein accomplishes this.
Fourth: Training- I want to know what adverse side effects Decreasing body fat, increasing muscle, exercising your major organs like the heart and lungs, making muscle mind connections, etc have on your pursuit of being a better fighter. Frank mir said he felt slow (I remember the interview) because he was training to pack on more mass. So his lifts were focused on being controlled, not very dynamic, very heavy, and wouldn't you know...he packed on weight, but he was slower. Here's the opposite scenario. I was At Utah Valley State College playing volleyball. I was 23 I had been strength conditioning for 2 years. I weighed 180 and could touch 11'1" and ran a 40 in 5.21. Fast Forward five years. I weighed 210 touched 11'4" and ran the 40 in 4.47. That's a 3" vert increase and a dramatic increase in speed. How is it possible I added on 30lbs and yet became more athletic? Because of the way I train. I train with a purpose. To be the best damn volleyball player I can possibly be. You look at any fighter today, look at the fighter you emulate, They condition their ass off! To be the best possible fighter they can be. I don't know your trainer, but if he seriously thinks this way he does not have your best interests at heart. I'm sorry but that's the truth. You want to get Bigger? Faster? Stronger? and have lungs that never quit? Well You get it through hard FU**ING WORK, BLOOD, SWEAT, AND TEARS! I'm going to PM you some stuff. You can use it if you want.
Let me know your thoughts dude.