i hear you on the flexibility issue, coolcolj. i have to work on my arch. every time i bench, i try to arch a little farther and bring my feet back a tiny bit every time. that kinda makes me feel flexible. haha
6 boards for me is just a couple inches left at the top. i have benched before and not locked out at the very top so i thought that could use a little work. next week ME day is going to be 5 board, then the next one is 4 board, etc. can't wait to get my double d shirt, as soon as i get a little money. then i'm going to train westside every other week and on those other weeks i'm going to train militia style.
skaman, i didn't get it for christmas, but i worked out a deal with my grandparents. they ordered it yesterday for me but now i gotta do some work around their place. i think it's a good deal