Debu said:THe PT was the one Taping my knee and suggested I buy it to do it myself! I stopped when it felt like my knee would slide over and get stuck...
Yes some PT's will suggest taping. It is probably okay for a while for healing reasons but IMO, and the opinion of a good friend of mine who is a PT, if you need the tapes then you shouldn't be doing any heavy leg work. Tapes will become a crutch if you use them enough....the knee will not strengten like it should and as you graduate to heavier and heavier weights then things only get more out of balance.
A neoprene knee wrap is a good idea as it is designed to keep the heat in and aound the joint with little to no structural support.
Again if your knees are to the point were you NEED wraps then don't squat of leg press top quarter reps only in the leg extension and some cycling up hills while seated.(make darn sure the saddle is set at the correct height..ask)
If you have had any type of trauma to the knee then see a doc as you may have partially torn the AC Ligament or another knee joint ligament. The meniscus may also be torn.