Temple01 said:
I am sitting here on the verge of tears after seeing the Ortho this am - and I NEVER cry.
The above was the diagnosis of my knee problems with the additional
softening of the cartilage which may be the laymens term for the above.
The basics of the conversation were"
(he is looking at me like I am a mutant as he is saying this)
Why do you want to squats and press so much?
No woman should ever squat 200# unless it is an olympic endeavor.
You can get some really nice "tone" to your quads by doing a few light set of one exercise per week
You should focus on your cardiovascular health
If you continue to squat heavy you will destroy your knees within 5 years so NO HEAVY SQUATS, NO LUNGES PERIOD AND NO HEAVY PRESSES
Somebody who knows what this is PLEASE help
Sister I am an RN and work in the OR with orthopods all the time.
This guys is a prick and doesn't know shit!!!!!!!
You need to strengthen the vastus lateralus sister. This will prevent the patella from coming across the joint and causing the pain and general knee disfunction. Now you need to do leg extensions for a while BUT IN A VERY SPECIFIC WAY!! Do not do them from the bottom as that will worsen the pain Do them at the top 20 degrees only! Do them slowly and hold the weight at the top for at least a second. Do sets of 15 or so. You can go heavy but do them very stricty and slowly. Get someone to liftb the weight to the top position for the start of the set.
After a few weeks of this then include some cycling up hills while seated on the seat. Get a cyclist to set the proper saddle height for you as this is important. The cycling is opinional but it really works the vastus lateralus well.
GO TO ANOTHER ORTHOPOD and make darn sure he is a sports orthopod. That guy is an ass!
Go to a sports physiotherapist too.
You can try a tiny bit of the fast acting ester of Deca(Nadrolone phenylpropionate)don't use deca as it hangs around too long and you will not be able to bail out if sides come on. This anabolic is very mild and has been used by the ladies with good results just be sure to keep the doses low at no more than 50mg per week or less.
This fast acting ester will clear your system quickly so you can bail out if sides come on. It needs to be injected every three days. use a 27 guage pin and an insulin syringe.
Using this anabolic for 8 -12 weeks AT LOW DOSE will help the joint and help with healing. DO NOT push your legs with heavy leg work for at least three months . The nadrolone will make the knees feel great but do not push them as they need to heal.
Start with 15mg every three days.
If you start to get a scratchy throat or a cough then stop the roid right away as these are warning signs of voice tone lowering. I do not think you will get this with 50mg per week or less and if you do it will only be mild. Some comes back after you stop too,
There is a lady on this board that loves nandrolone...do a search on Deca or nadrolone.
You can get Nandrolone phenylpropionate from some international sources...ask a few mods(Men) A very good product is from Hayrain Biologicals in India and it is not expensive.
A sport doc may inject your knee with some steroid(non anabolic) as well.
Once you get back to squats be sure NEVER to bounce...you can go deep but never bounce at all. ALSO and this is extremely important sister...NEVER RAISE YOUR HEELS UP ON A BOARD OR PLATES !!!!!! This is one of the worst things one can do to the knee...causes a great deal of shearing stress to the knee! Always squat flat footed. ALSO the hack squat is another knee wrecker do not do them...also lunges are crap and do shit for leg developement and also are hard on the knee for the same reasons.
When you squat get into a fairly wide stance wider than you see with most bodybuilders . Keep your knees over your feet at all
times though. A too wide stance causes the knee to be outside the feet at the bottom. Keep your toes pointed out a little too.
Good luck sister.