Incline Dumbells: warmup 30x15, 50x12, 65x10, 75x6, 75x6, 80x4
Hammer Strength Chest Widener: 90x15, 160x10, 210x8, 260x5 (
PR by 80 pounds )
Pec Dec: 50x12, 70x10, 90x8, 90x8
Behind Neck Military press: 90x15, 140x12, 160x10, 160x8
Lateral Raises: 5 sets 25x10
Rear Lat Raises: 5 sets 25x10
On the Chest Widener (also called Decline press) I really enjoy doing this machine because it puts so much pain into my chest. I just started doing it about 1 month ago and my chest is already increases in size and strength in all exercises because of it. It puts no stress on my bad shoulder, and it hits my chest dead center. Guess ill be using this since flat bench hurts too much.