Ok, BBF and I have had it out on this since this thread, but, since this was bumped, I'll repeat what I believe, even though Jg1 already summed it up.1. Insulin increases nutrient absorption, 2.fat has twice the calories as carbs and protein and has no reason to ever be sped up into the gut... in fact, just the opposite). 3. I believe this enviornment(fats <any kind> plus simple carbs or a lot of complex carbs) is increased fat storage waiting to happen. And it's not just me, there's a lot of anecdotal experience here on the boards to back this up. [/QUOTE
I'm not certain what you are trying say with the line about fat having no reason to ever be sped up intot he gut. Did I imply something about that in my post accidently? Your point #3, I will agree with in part. Exclude the fat issue..."simple carbs or a lot of complex carbs) is increased fat storage waiting to happen" since eating more carbs in one meal will always produce a greater insulin response this statement is 100% true without even adding the part about fats in. Once muscle and liver glycogen stores are at, or nearly full insulin does not distinguish between sugar calories or fat calories in its mission to convert those calories into adipose tissue. The issue is excess calories and insulin, not fat calories and insulin. In fact, if more of those excess calories are in the form of glucose than fat in the bloodstream, there will tend to be a greater increase in fat stores simply because MORE insulin will have been produced by the body.
While people have had success at lossing bodyfat by not combining fat + carbs, this does not make it an idea method. People have lost fat on everything from low fat diets to keto diets, to the slim fast system. All anecdotal evidence that EACH of them is idea using this logic. Also, just because someone has successfully lost a fair amount of adipose tissue without a signifigant loss of lbm while using this methods, does not prove that someone would GAIN fat by combining the two.
No one wishes to think for themselves anymore or apply logic. That is why this country is failing intellectually, and why we seem to grow less intelligent with each passing year. In the American school system, we are no longer taught to think for ourselves or apply logic properly. We are taught to memorize information that others provide for us, and accept it as true. We are not taught how to think, we are told WHAT to think. Its very sad, and makes it difficult to argue a point with the greater majority of people anymore. Perhaps I need to just get Nelson Montana, or Arnold to proclaim, "Combining fats and carbs in one meal does not increase the probablity of gaining fat." without bothering to give a good explination. I would sway far more people that way, since this is how we now arrive at our conclusions and beliefs. We just listen for someone with authority to proclaim something so, and that makes it true.