Babyfaced Assassin
New member
Is it a case of one or the other with carbs and fats?
I mean i cant function well without carbs and due to my high intsensity training i cant even afford to have a period of adaptation (although i tried 4 months on a straight keto once and it cost me a place on the fight squad)
Well anyway since reading alot about fats and diets i've realised tehre are benefits to eating fats. Since upping my carbs recently to around 40-50% on MR X's reccomendations, ive felt alot better in training but im not sure if im getting enough fat
So just how much fat is enough and when is the best time to take it?
Is it a case where you go higher on carbs you have to go lower on fat and vice versa or is tehre a happy medium?
(more isocaloric?)
If a more isocaloric diet can work, how much carbs and fats can u mix in one meal?
I mean i cant function well without carbs and due to my high intsensity training i cant even afford to have a period of adaptation (although i tried 4 months on a straight keto once and it cost me a place on the fight squad)
Well anyway since reading alot about fats and diets i've realised tehre are benefits to eating fats. Since upping my carbs recently to around 40-50% on MR X's reccomendations, ive felt alot better in training but im not sure if im getting enough fat
So just how much fat is enough and when is the best time to take it?
Is it a case where you go higher on carbs you have to go lower on fat and vice versa or is tehre a happy medium?
(more isocaloric?)
If a more isocaloric diet can work, how much carbs and fats can u mix in one meal?