okay, so you're about my height, and about 75 lbs lighter, give or take (damn metric system!)
you have been doing primarily cardiovascular exercise, and you have begun to dabble in the weights.
what type of weight training do you do, as far as exercises performed, sets, reps, etc.
are you looking to add a bit of muscle and continue to lose bodyfat, or are you looking to put about 10 kg of muscle on with as little fat as possible?
this is primarily a weight training forum, overall, so I'll assume you want to get noticeably bigger and more muscular.
there are tons of ways to do it, but you'll probably do best getting approximately 50% of your calories daily from carbs. 20kcal per pound of bodyweight is usually a good start, so you're looking at just under 3000 kcal daily (We'll round it to 3000 cuz I can do the math in my head), so somewhere in the vicinity of 350-450g carbs per day, along with around 175g of protein. Remember, those are APPROXIMATES. you start there and fiddle around until you are comfortable with the results. Make small adjustments, not large.