is it ok to carb cycling while bulking with test guys? I'm very sensitive to carbs , I mean I can get fat very quick when I eat them, thanks for your advice
is it ok to carb cycling while bulking with test guys? I'm very sensitive to carbs , I mean I can get fat very quick when I eat them, thanks for your advice
is it ok to carb cycling while bulking with test guys? I'm very sensitive to carbs , I mean I can get fat very quick when I eat them, thanks for your advice
carb cycling , depending on how u choose, can/ should limit your total carbs. with the recognition you must replace depleted glyc on some level at some point. some say it will downregulate your normal sensitivity.
This article makes it a total no brainer for anyone interested in trying carb cycling. There is a full sample diet plan and a weekly overview that tells you what carb day to follow, what body part to train and how much cardio to do on each day of the week.
If you get fat from carbs off cycle you will get fat from carbs on cycle. Stick to what works. What point would there be to run a cycle and gain a bunch of fat? You really want to gain nice lean muscle.