It takes 1 guy out of a few 1000s for me to get attracted to, let alone have an intercourse with. I wouldn't do it on a first date, but I'm not blaming men for trying.
The funny thing is no matter wheather I have sex with "him" right away or later, they still don't leave me alone for many years and I am not just saying it...
I know most women complain about guys not wanting to commit and it's opposite in my case, on the second date it's just another "marriage purposal". That's why my "relationships" only lasts 3 dates. On a second date he would call me his GF and his whole family already knows about me, by the 3rd date he would ask me to go with "him" look at some houses because "I will be living in it"... Believe me, that happens to me with every guy I meet!
I sometimes wonder why? I am definately not the type that makes you think I would make a good house wife.
I guess men are somewhat attracted to smart, strong, succesful, independant, bitchy types as opposed to "regulars", brings an excitment and challenge into relationship.
But aside from that I think intimacy plays a big role in the relationship. It was one of the reasons of my previous break-ups.