mjollnir -- you don't even lift in meets?? WTF!!!! How in the hell can you give advice on powerlifting when you are not even doing it?
I know about lifting, getting stronger and both in the context of the lifts used in powerlifting. I have competed in athletics for my entire life and still do, and hence I am familiar with the mindset critical to training correctly, steadily improving and competing. Hence, I know of what I speak, and it has direct parallels into powerlifting.
BTW, those lifts you mentioned, while they are ok, are not that great for a drug free lifter. You really can't be working that hard if those are your lifts.
I am always open to improvement, as are we all. I choose, it would seem, a different route to it than do you. As I mentioned, I train to beat my own records and history, not those of others.
Some of the gusy that train with me in the garage are clean, and that's cool -- I have no problem with that. I respect them because they are their everyday working hard and helping the others. Their are only 2 rules in my garage for people to be allowed to stay - bust your ass and help your partners get strong. You are really portraying yourself as an idiot.
Quite the opposite, I fear. I make no comment on you personally as to your choice in training regimen or supplementation. I personally don't care how you train, as it is your business. Regardless, all things being equal, I hold those who feel the need to taking steroids in lower esteem that those that do not, as to me it represents an unhealthy desire to achieve something one would not otherwise be able to do.
I calls 'em like I sees 'em.