Most people think that I'm talking crap when I tell them about my training partner, who has been training with me for 2 years now. When he joined my training group, he was totally new to the iron game, coming from a cross-country running background. At that time he weighed a very skinny 127lb.
Over the last two years he has transformed himself into a massive bulging heap of muscles tipping the scales at 215lb! All this was done while he trained mostly Westside with me and taking NO ROIDS and virtually NO SUPPLEMENTS either! All he did was train like a man posessed and eat lots and lots of good food. Get this: this dude added nearly a 100 pounds of lean mass in two years, completely naturally. This is a 70 percent increase in mass! He makes a living out of personal training and has actually given up on trying to convince his colleagues that he is totally clean. Nowadays when people say to him that he cannot possibly be clean he just shurgs it off and says nothing more. His currents total is just under 1400lb which was enough to earn him last year's provincial championship title in our drug-tested (IPF) federation.
I don't know if he is just a freak of nature or something but I don't think so because most of the guys that train with me are clean and the majority of them are pretty big and make consistent (even if sometimes slow) gains. BTW I've personally not touched any roids for going on 3 years now and I am bigger and stronger than ever. I often get unsolicited comments from complete strangers saying that I'm the biggest person they've ever seen. I weigh a reasonably hard (I'd say 19% b/f) 350lb at 6 feet 6 inches and my current total (hopefully to be eclipsed substantially in June) is 1832lb.
Please don't see this post as me trying to blow my own horn, which it isn't. I'm sure my partner had much more input into his gains than I did. Hell, I only helped where I can and gave him advice. All I'm saying to the guys that are training naturally is: It is much harder and the temptation of quick chemical gains will always be there, but just push yourself as hard as you can and the gains WILL come.