Joe I just read another thing you wrote on this thread. You said your "body was designed." This is totally wrong and anybody with a highschool education should know that. Your body evolved it wasn't designed. Your body evolved in such a way that we can work it hard, feed it well and it will respond and grow. By being a BBer you are actually just working with what nature has evolved your body to be. And your digestion system has only gotten "rest" after the industrial revolution. When we were running around naked or in skins we ate all the time. Look at the great apes today. They spend the vast majority of thier time eating. That's the way we were. The concept that you have three meals a day was created so you could run a machine in a factory!!
It was I who use the exprssion, "the body was designed" and it's a figure of speech and one I think everyone got.
Yes, we all know that the human body is a process of evolution. But your rational is off. To say it's somehow natural to grow as much as possible is convoluted logic. If your ancestors for the last 4000 years were approximately 160 pounds and then in one leap you go to 260...well, the body has not yet EVOLVED to the point where it carries that weight comfortably and it will be unduly stressed.