Hmmm... I believe this is an open forum... what are you going to do to stop me? Hit me with red karma? Go ahead, look at my dots, I'll just mega blast you back until you are banned.
Me to his level...bwahahaha - dont worry bro, I cant go that low... but you are right there are so many other things to talk about besides FSUPAT and whose alter he
Hmmm... I believe this is an open forum... what are you going to do to stop me? Hit me with red karma? Go ahead, look at my dots, I'll just mega blast you back until you are banned.
fuck you BBF im trying to get this room back to what it was before post whore came in here, you want to blast me for it dick licker go right the fuck ahead cause im sick of your fucking ass too, its pretty funny how no one respoinds to shadow in here cause no one likes the retarded fucker yet i get replys up the ass to all of my threads because im shocking, love me or hate me you cant wait to see my next post, now like i said butt out of this its got nothing to do with you unless your butt fucking him