No one's gonna want to hear this, but I got my best results ever when I ate whatever I wanted. In about 4 months I added 85lbs to my bench, maybe 100 to my squat. I lost fat or maintained at the same time, while gaining about 10 - 15 lbs. This was my senior year of high school and I was trying to add weight so I could land a football scholarship. Here was a typical day:
8am - Shake w/ 60g pro, 100g carbs, 8g fat
1030am - Protein Bar, 16pro, 50c, 5f
130pm - Enchiladas w/rice, milk 40p, 100c, 35f
3 - 4 I'd train, then have an MRP w milk, so about 65p, 70c, 3f
630 - Taco Bell, not sure how much, but I calculated it out one time and it was over 2000 calories.
10pm - Milk w/oreos, so 25p, 100c, 20f
Shitload of calories, but I grew quick, was strong as shit and slept like a rock. Not everyone could get results doing this, but it worked great for me. The best advice I can give is try to eat clean w/ high calories, but if you want something considered bad, eat it and don't sweat it.
I went from 235 to 250 on that diet and looked leaner. Maybe it was my age, but if you wanna grow like a muthafucka, eat like a muthafucka and train like a BADMUTHAFUCKA.
Good Luck-