Your bro looks solid. He has got some good size on him and if he cuts down a little on the BF then he will look great. Give him some of that PPA you are taking, you need to get some sleep LOL
Aside from all the moral implications of brothers prancing around in their underwear in order to titillate and excite the other, as pictures are furiously taken to be looked at in more of a 'private' setting, I will try to critique these pictures.
I think he is fine as far as mass goes, but all that fat covers it up. Lean up, and he should look awesome enough to date outside of his family.
You got some good base mass and big arms bro, as has been said above, get him to work on the big barbell exersices more and to lean down a little, though with out AS it will be a tall order, perhaps, clen and ephedrine for 6 weeks, looking good keep it up.
Sorry to say it but at those stats there is even no need for him to ge near steroids. With a good nutrtional plan, smart training and supplement use he can do it naturally.