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I've done weight training all my life although rarely in a consistent fashion. I'd usually start in the Jan or Feb weighing about 155 (6' tall), get relatively buff for the summer pushing my weight up to about 165'ish, and then by the fall slack off and let all the muscular progress fade back to my original weight. Usually because of reaching a plateau (I'd never benched more than 190 lbs) and getting frustrated with not being able to get past it. Then I'd do the same thing over and over again every year.
Well I'm 39 now and I decided that I was going to go futher this time than I ever had before. Some people use their mid-life crisis to get a corvette, some a mistress, me I decided that I'd give myself a new body.
I started out on January 1st 2003 doing good to just bench 135 a few times and unable to do an unasisted wide grip pull up. So I started off just doing about 3 days a week in the gym trying to get my muscles over the soreness phase.
Now 6 months later through a lot of pain and shear determination I've pushed my weight up to 180, I'm benching 225, and when I do wide grip pullups I can actually do sets of my body weight plus another 10 pounds.
How? I tried something I never tried before. I decided that all the peaking and shaping movements were going to be out of my routine. I was going to go strictly for basic compound movements that worked the major muscle groups. The proof is in the results above. I've gotten bigger than I've ever been before.
Here's the routine I used to get here (current weights used listed):
Day 1 - Chest & Back
Very wide grip flat bench 8-6-4-2-1 reps increasing 20 lbs between each set peaking at 225.
(no rest between other than the walk between machines)
Very wide grip pull ups using an assist machine starting with a 50 pound offset doing 8 reps each then 40-30-20-10
Close grip (6" apart) flat bench usually starting with 145 lbs dropping down in 5 lb increments, (but never going below 135)
for 5 Sets of 8 reps.
(no rest between)
Close grip pullups of full body weight or rows with around 200 - 240 for 5 sets of 8 reps
Day 2 - Legs & Abs
45 degree machine hack squats starting at 225 increasing 90 pounds for each set up to 585 (5 sets).
(No rest between)
Weight machine crunches 200 lbs, 8 reps, 5 sets.
Sitting leg press 320 lbs (full machine stack) 10 reps, 5 sets
(No rest between)
Hanging leg lifts (straight legged) 10 reps, 5 sets
Day 3 - Arms
Wide grip straight bar curls starting at 70 lbs going up in 10 lb increments to 110 - 8 reps, 5 sets
(No rest between)
Forward cable tricep pulldowns starting off at 70 lbs, going up in 5 lbs increments to 90 - 8 reps, 5 sets
Cross body standing dumbell curls starting with 40 lb dumbells working up as high as I can get, usually to 55 lb dumbells. 5 reps per arm, 5 sets
(No rest between)
Either weighted dips or dumbell kickbacks. Body weight + 20 lbs with the former, and 35 lb dumbells for the latter. 12 reps per arm 5 sets.
Day 4 - Chest & Back
Day 5 - Legs & Abs
Day 6 - Arms
Day 7 - REST
It's worked great so far, but now I've been stuck for 2 months and I can't get beyond the weights or the repetitions mentioned and I need help getting over this plateau. What should I change to get myself over this hump?
Well I'm 39 now and I decided that I was going to go futher this time than I ever had before. Some people use their mid-life crisis to get a corvette, some a mistress, me I decided that I'd give myself a new body.
I started out on January 1st 2003 doing good to just bench 135 a few times and unable to do an unasisted wide grip pull up. So I started off just doing about 3 days a week in the gym trying to get my muscles over the soreness phase.
Now 6 months later through a lot of pain and shear determination I've pushed my weight up to 180, I'm benching 225, and when I do wide grip pullups I can actually do sets of my body weight plus another 10 pounds.
How? I tried something I never tried before. I decided that all the peaking and shaping movements were going to be out of my routine. I was going to go strictly for basic compound movements that worked the major muscle groups. The proof is in the results above. I've gotten bigger than I've ever been before.
Here's the routine I used to get here (current weights used listed):
Day 1 - Chest & Back
Very wide grip flat bench 8-6-4-2-1 reps increasing 20 lbs between each set peaking at 225.
(no rest between other than the walk between machines)
Very wide grip pull ups using an assist machine starting with a 50 pound offset doing 8 reps each then 40-30-20-10
Close grip (6" apart) flat bench usually starting with 145 lbs dropping down in 5 lb increments, (but never going below 135)
for 5 Sets of 8 reps.
(no rest between)
Close grip pullups of full body weight or rows with around 200 - 240 for 5 sets of 8 reps
Day 2 - Legs & Abs
45 degree machine hack squats starting at 225 increasing 90 pounds for each set up to 585 (5 sets).
(No rest between)
Weight machine crunches 200 lbs, 8 reps, 5 sets.
Sitting leg press 320 lbs (full machine stack) 10 reps, 5 sets
(No rest between)
Hanging leg lifts (straight legged) 10 reps, 5 sets
Day 3 - Arms
Wide grip straight bar curls starting at 70 lbs going up in 10 lb increments to 110 - 8 reps, 5 sets
(No rest between)
Forward cable tricep pulldowns starting off at 70 lbs, going up in 5 lbs increments to 90 - 8 reps, 5 sets
Cross body standing dumbell curls starting with 40 lb dumbells working up as high as I can get, usually to 55 lb dumbells. 5 reps per arm, 5 sets
(No rest between)
Either weighted dips or dumbell kickbacks. Body weight + 20 lbs with the former, and 35 lb dumbells for the latter. 12 reps per arm 5 sets.
Day 4 - Chest & Back
Day 5 - Legs & Abs
Day 6 - Arms
Day 7 - REST
It's worked great so far, but now I've been stuck for 2 months and I can't get beyond the weights or the repetitions mentioned and I need help getting over this plateau. What should I change to get myself over this hump?