maxes before and after 5x5
squat - 335
bench - 315
deadlift - 335
military - 185
squat - 365
bench - 345
deadlift - 365
military - 225
i dont really know what i was rowing before, but i can now row 275 for 5
still nowhere near my previous numbers

, but still major improvements.
except military, thats the most ive ever pressed in my life.
i didnt really gain weight, but i look different, bigger delts and traps, lats and quads. grip improved a hell of a lot. my form also got better.
taking a week off, i hurt my right delt testing my bench max

just a lil tweak, itll prolly be gone in a week, ill be training my rotator cuffs and rehabbing knees and lower back in the mean time.
ill be posting here again when i start my 2nd run