Re: Bill Starr's 5 x 5 program... Variation per Madcow2 (thanx) So here it is! K up n
It depends on how much the deadlift contributes to volume and how taxing it is for you. The squats are the primary driver of the total weekly load in this program. You can do the math by multiplying weightXreps for every set for every exercise. Add them up in each week or break each exercise out to see how much of the total % it plays.
Anyway, I'd go by feel. The dead isn't the primary driver but if this movement is taxing to you and 3x3 for the duration is too much scale it down as needed and if it's a 1x3 format lift than so be it. I'll leave the judegement to you.
lavi said:madcow, a while ago you posted that those with over 2x bodyweight deads should scale down the deads to 3x3 for the duration of the program. i was wondering if it would be a bad idea to change it to 1x3 in the intensity phase so it kind of ramps up like the rest of the program? currently i deadlift 3x bodyweight (i dont weigh too much). i would think itd be weird to do 3x3, do 3x3 at the deloading phase, and then continue with the 3x3 no?
It depends on how much the deadlift contributes to volume and how taxing it is for you. The squats are the primary driver of the total weekly load in this program. You can do the math by multiplying weightXreps for every set for every exercise. Add them up in each week or break each exercise out to see how much of the total % it plays.
Anyway, I'd go by feel. The dead isn't the primary driver but if this movement is taxing to you and 3x3 for the duration is too much scale it down as needed and if it's a 1x3 format lift than so be it. I'll leave the judegement to you.