Hilarious - I don't fucking believe it. The sample workout is taken directly from my post on Fortified Iron a few years back. Other than some basic clean up this is a direct cut/paste. Check this out:
It's a great article and he credits the right people (it's not like I played any part in the design of this workout anyway other than the fact that the author is using my 3x per week frequency to peak strength in the intensity phase). I should probably email my new writeup since it is vastly improved. Hell, this is probably the easiest to understand example of dual factor theory I've seen so I'll be saving this link for future inclusion in the TOC.
BTW - in case this comes off wrong. I don't care at all about the cut/paste - it's kind of funny to come accross it so randomly. I am glad to see he cleaned it up a bit, that original was written in a rush a few years ago and never proofed. I know it bothered me enough to rewrite it. If anyone wants to cut/paste anything I've written feel free. The whole point is to get the info to people that need it in the first place so if someone finds something valuable they are free to use, publish, distribute ect...