Madcow2 said:One thing to keep in mind is that a movement can "feel" great but not produce great results. To be honest, I think cable rows feel very good and I can really feel them working the muscles but a few months down the road barbell rows leave them in the dust when it comes to hypertrophy and strength.
Agreed. Though I don't do them, I'm sure others really "feel" cable crossovers in their pecs, and that exercise yields next to nothing IMO.
I will say that I might've overstated the "it feels good!" aspect of the rounded-back row

But that could be a false cause fallacy; I've progressed in chins and rows recently, too, so it's impossible to prove the one movement did that much *shrugs*
The 5x5 really focuses around using the best exercises and I'd caution any substitutions that aren't of the very heavy free weight variety i.e. high pulls for deadlifts, cleans for rows, incline BB for standing military - this is what I have in mind. In addition a movement can feel great with very light weight but the weight applied to the system is part of the stimulus - this is why barbell curls work much better than concentration curls and also why the dead and squat are so damn effective.
Oh, I'm with you

I actually don't train the exercise with high reps, but that's neither here nor there. In fact, I can't even remember why I brought the exercise up in this thread...I must've been more out of it yesterday than I thought. (In the future, I think I'll refrain from posting on days that I've tried to put the TV remote in my fridge. I'm scatter-brained as is...couple that with mental exhaustion, and you got a real winner!

As far as rows, there's a good thread here that lists the proper way to do them - acceleration throughout the rep, back as close to 90 degrees as you can get it. Towards the bottom of the first page is what I and many others consider to be the most effective row where it is performed dynamically from the floor.
With the pauses at the bottom? Yeah. I read that thread awhile back and switched over to those. My poundages took a real hit, but they're moving up a little bit each time out. Love 'em. The only thing I'm doing that you might not like is I tend to hold at the top of the movement for a moment. Should I nix that?