Re: Bill Starr's 5 x 5 program... Variation per Madcow2 (thanx) So here it is! K up n
Bad day or fatigue accrual. By the end of week 9 in the periodized version running at 3x per week, you are going to be pretty trashed. Then again, could be an off day - probably not though. Take a week or so of reduced volume before starting again (i.e. do rep or speed work 2x per week, work on any isolation stuff you feel might be lacking and would get you made fun of during a training cycle
If you've run this a few times through maybe try a different template and some higher reps for a bit. HST is a fairly nice structure (obviously you will have to choose the # of sets and not go 1 set all the way through) and gives you some time at a variety of rep ranges and high at the beginning to give you a break. Plus the power and neural adaptations from the 5x5 will really scale into these higher reps. DFHT is also a cookie cutter model that might work but workload is high so use your head when setting it up (i.e. 2 people that loved this program had completely opposite experiences on it, one did fabulous and one was too fatigued by it, didn't get much results due to this, and had a bad experience purely due to workload).
slyder190 said:madcow, explain somethin to me. My last week, I nailed my 3RM max easy for bench, but for my 3x3RM I got one set for 2 reps and that was it. Why is that?
Bad day or fatigue accrual. By the end of week 9 in the periodized version running at 3x per week, you are going to be pretty trashed. Then again, could be an off day - probably not though. Take a week or so of reduced volume before starting again (i.e. do rep or speed work 2x per week, work on any isolation stuff you feel might be lacking and would get you made fun of during a training cycle

slyder190 said:I'm actually takin a full week off as I just wrapped up week 9. My back has been botherin me, but I've been throwin back the Motrin before my workouts and gettin through them. The strength gains have been great, just like last time. But as i get heavier with the weight, it does take a toll on a sore back. Hopefully a week off and a few chiro visits will do the trick. Gonna be startin the volume phase again soon.
If you've run this a few times through maybe try a different template and some higher reps for a bit. HST is a fairly nice structure (obviously you will have to choose the # of sets and not go 1 set all the way through) and gives you some time at a variety of rep ranges and high at the beginning to give you a break. Plus the power and neural adaptations from the 5x5 will really scale into these higher reps. DFHT is also a cookie cutter model that might work but workload is high so use your head when setting it up (i.e. 2 people that loved this program had completely opposite experiences on it, one did fabulous and one was too fatigued by it, didn't get much results due to this, and had a bad experience purely due to workload).