does anybody know any good exercises for the biceps bi are still kinda flat...I know a lot has to do with genetics but still which exercises isolate the biceps the most??
does anybody know any good exercises for the biceps bi are still kinda flat...I know a lot has to do with genetics but still which exercises isolate the biceps the most??
I've heard that those popeye things with the cables are helpful in building the peak to your biceps...but I've never done them, so I can't speak from personal experience.
I think that the peak in your biceps comes mainly from cutting all the fat out on the's there, but sometimes you just can't see it.
Bicep shape is TOTALLY genetic. Look at the pros, they train more and use more drugs than anybody outside Marge Simpson, and no matter what they do some guys have good peaks some don't. That should tell you everything.
those are your brachials (sp?) and they dont bring out a peak on everyone, they are actually more under the short head of your bicep and it wouldnt really make a peak at all.
actually nah thats kind of interesting, i never throught about that before because my brother has much bigger muscles than me but hes got very blocky arms, where as im a few inches smaller but a much better shape. i think id prefere the size a bit more though.