New member
Every bb knows this place. You start cutting and at first the results are great. You have plenty of fat to burn off and the muscle starts to show. Then you reach a point where every time you look in the mirror you realize your actually a little smaller. Sure your more lean but not ripped. You know where your going with it, but start to question whether or not your up to sacrificing some size even though you know it'll only be temporary. In short you feel like a work in progress and feel impatient and wonder if you'll really realize your dream of being ripped up and showing abs of steel. This is just one way I think the mind tries to get you to go back to old ways. It's like when you quit smoking and everything seems good at first but then your life seems to fall apart without a ciggarette. You can't concentrate, old friends who smoke seem to mock your decision, even loved ones may make a comment like you should start smoking again. Stay with it though, and before you know it, you will have emerged out the other side the victor. People will have a new respect for you. You will know success and gain a feeling of mastery of both yourself and the world around you. Consistantly make small steps, take it all one day at a time. Focus. Breath. Know You Can Do It. Never quit. This is our time here, it isn't long or long enough, so make it count.
It's the same with bb. I'm in that place of doubt again, but I ignore it, and continue onward, upward. I will never stop till I reach my goal of shredded abs and muscles of steel. Why do I do this. I do it for me and for no other reason. I want it. I'll get it and so can you.
Thanks to everone who contributes to this board. We all help one another and together we are even stronger. Nobody can stop us. We are on our way to the promised land.
It's the same with bb. I'm in that place of doubt again, but I ignore it, and continue onward, upward. I will never stop till I reach my goal of shredded abs and muscles of steel. Why do I do this. I do it for me and for no other reason. I want it. I'll get it and so can you.
Thanks to everone who contributes to this board. We all help one another and together we are even stronger. Nobody can stop us. We are on our way to the promised land.