I have always injected from vials so I am totally new to amps. I don't want to waste 250mg of gear experimenting. Any hot tips? Seems like a pain in the ass to try drawing solution that is not turned upside down. Any tricks or tips would be appreciated.
file around the neck of the amp to get a clean break, then I use two tissues to hold the amp and snap the neck off, then just suck up the oil real slow, it's a little bit of a pain, but no big deal.
You shouldn't have to file the edges unless they are Russian. Well, at least I've never had a problem breaking any others.
After washing my hands good with antibacterial soap. I pop out the plunger part off the back of the syringe and just pour the liquid right in and replace the plunger. I get alot less air bubbles...
Take a pen cap (like from a Bic pen)put it over the neck of the amp and snap off. Some amps are harder to snap off so you might have to score with a file. Next take an 18 gauge needle and draw from the amp. The 18 gauge will suck it out like a vacuum. Replace your needle with a shooting size (22 or 23 gauge for oil-based) and your ready to pop
Score the neck of the amp with a file and then snap the top off. When ever I go to draw up Sust I put the amp under warm water for 2-3 min to thin it out and then after I snap off the top I sucks right out. Don't try to draw it up to fast though. I use a 22g to draw and another to shoot. Best of luck!
be sure to file around the neck. it sucks having that shit shatter in your hands, not to mention a waste. use a thin cloth to protect yourself when popping the top.