Hey bros, a co-worker of mine is having a problem with his diet. It's actually not the diet (or is it?)but pain in his joints. Here's his background: 40 yrs old, last November he weighed approx. 240 lbs at what I would guess 15% bodyfat. He has been on a virtually fat free diet to this day. All he eats is tuna, egg whites, and if he has a little extra cash pre cooked shrimp from WalMart. He is now around 200 lbs and I would guess 4% body fat. It could be less as the dude is ripped. In our line of work there is a lot of physical activity and he is starting to suffer from alot of pain in his joints, most noticeably his knees. IMO the 6 months of zero fat in his diet is causing the problem and I recommended taking in some fat and maybe glucosamine tabs. He is dead set against eating fat. Which I think is a mistake, but thats just me. So the ? is can anyone recommend a oil or fat or substitute for these that won't add the body fat but will help with the pain? Thanks brothers.