I'm telling ya, Tampa girls are way hotter than the girls I have seen in SD. I thought it would be all hot cali surfer type chicks here. There goes my illusion if So Cal.hehe. I go to the clubs downtown(on broadway,4th&B,casbah) and there are usually a hand full of decent chicks thinking they are the shiznit and acting like they are the hottest thing ever. Maybe I am just picky but damn, in Florida you see hotties everywhere- just driving around. Maybe I need to check differant clubs or something. I haven't been out to the beach yet so I should check there. Sometimes when my girl gets home from work she'll tell me about a hot girl she saw and its a big deal cause it is rare around here. The guys here keep telling me how may hot girls there are but then I see a girl they think is "hot" and I laugh. I know you(MetalGear) know what hotties look like since I saw you with some in the pics....I guess I need to just go to differant places around SD. I agree with you about the bimbos in LA, they look good but all want the money anyway. Fuck a bunch of that. What clubs have you seen hotties at here in SD? My band is going on tour soon so we will be travelling all around, then I can say where the hottest chicks are. So far, I would say Australia has the hottest girls. There are tons there, especially if you like blondes(not my preference), and they LOVE Americans.