I prefer doing calf raises on stair with a rail for support. I use both feet at the same time. I'm getting to the point where I need to use a weight belt because it gonna be awkward with a +100lbs dumbell just holding it with one hand and trying to balance it in front of the body.
No other calf exercise seems to give as good of a full rom or concentrated contraction at the top for me. I've used several standing calf machines and none of them allow me to get maximum contraction. I'm not sure if it's because the weight is supported on the shoulders or what.
The inventor of Nautilas equipment was once asked if he was going to make a calf machine. He said that no machine could ever be made that would give better results than holding a dumbell in one hand and doing single calf raises off a block.
The inventor of Nautilas equipment was once asked if he was going to make a calf machine. He said that no machine could ever be made that would give better results than holding a dumbell in one hand and doing single calf raises off a block.
The inventor of Nautilas equipment was once asked if he was going to make a calf machine. He said that no machine could ever be made that would give better results than holding a dumbell in one hand and doing single calf raises off a block.
The walking on a treadmill on the highest incline, while leaning forward with much resistance is a good one.
I like smashing them with tons of weight for ~3-5 sets for 8-12 reps, then doing a single 12 rep set with ~3-4 second controlled negative going into a stretch for another 5 seconds or so. Pick a weight you can barely get 12 with (it will be a lot lighter than your normal weight, if you usually blast off quick reps with big weight).
I like to do seated and standing raises, and especially loading up the leg press, propping the seat back up to the highest position for toe presses/calf raises/whatever you want to call them.
ever notice really really FAT people have huge calves? Even if they lose weight they still have big calves? Ever think about getting a weighted vest (I know AAP will laugh at that*) and add a hundred or so pounds to it and just walking around doing your normal day to day thing? Maybe on an off day, or go for a hike or something so people don't LOL @ you?
I hate doing calves because I feel like my calves are too strong for my ankles. Before I get a good workout on my calves my ankels bother me. I still do them, I do sitting calf raises, 200 pounds on the leg press machine, sets of 30 reps.