if you can bench twice your weight you have some good strength. I am not saying that i am really strong but I have some strength I can always bench a little more than twice my weight, but the pro lifters bench alot more than twice their weight.
therefore I consider 2xbody weight to be the threshold of wether you are strong or not on the bench
45 lbs above your weight aint great or anything but you have less than a year of trainig ..keep it up and you'll be hitting more and more soon enough..
I don't agree with this age mess you have some to learn my friend, I've also been training since my teens and at big 40 and at 5'6 220 10-12% 405 lbs for 3-4 would not be uncommon (while on) anyone can take it as bragging or lying no sweat off me just wanted to make my point about age I'm just as strong as I was at 30 and alot stronger than I ever was in my 20 s . Now on the first question 245 lb bench is it very much, you haven't given us enough info on how long you have been working out or you% bf and even then no way to compare because everyone is different I've seen a 170 lb bro at a liftathone bench 385 like it was nothing so strenth can be under est in some cases by ones weight.