On your warmups, start out with the bar for 2 sets of 10 reps. This will allow you to practice your form before you start adding weight. On your third warmup, peform 135lbs x 5 reps. On your fourth, perform 185lbs x 5 reps. After this, you can start progressing into your working sets.
Work sets:
Looks solid!! You will only improve from this point on.
My legs are already sore. I will be crippled by tomorrow morning.
Feels like a nice shock to my legs.
Yes, they will be sore. This is a sign that you trained them with intensity. Be sure you massage and stretch them.
I had been doing 5x3 at a fixed weight. I hadn't done the increasng weight work sets before other than warmups.
I think the increasing work sets methods works pretty good.
You can see I missed the last 2 sets of 5 reps. I will do this same routine again next week and try and hit all sets for 5. Then, increase all work sets by 5 lbs.
This makes perfect since. It sounds like you have a battle plan. When you start progressing and adding weight each week, your enthusiasm for training legs will increase each training session.
I am also thinking of lowering the third warmup to 5 reps and bumping the last warmup to 3. I'll see how that feels next week.
Sounds good.
Thanks for the suggestion Louden.
No problem. Keep up the good work. Keep us updated on the progress.
Joker [/B]