New member
I have seen a lot of posts lately dealing with some guys thinking AAS are a magic potion and then others barking back that they do absolutely nothing. There are some posts in there that understand the happy medium, and the fact that AAS are a GREAT tool, a real great tool, when used with intense training, good nutrition, and proper rest. So, the guys and gals who understand this will not gain anything from my thread, except maybe I will entertain them a little. The guys who are on one extreme or another should read up, cause after I post this I will not even read a thread asking if AAS work, or if they have to lift while on AAS, or if they take a shot of test will they wake up in the AM able to bench 800lbs, or someone claiming creatine is a good alternative to AAS.
First I will give my personal experiences. I trained naturally for 9 years before even considering AAS use. Right now I am on for my current training cycle. I have been on for 4 weeks, my weight has so far gone from 260-271. I will tell you that recovery time is incredible, and you have to be a real jackass to overtrain. For example, I did squats ass to the floor on last set was 500x5.....I did power cleans today and my last set was 315x3....that is heavy for me and intense, right now I am not tired, burned out, fatigued, or sore. Thats how they help me, I can train like a madman and still gain. NOW, for the flip side, before I began my cycle my squat was NOT 275 and my clean was NOT 135, I did NOT just begin training, I added lbs and made gains, but I didn't go from 165lbs to 271, it was no "magic potion", just a big enhancement of what I already have.
There's some of my own experiences. Now it is time for a little fiction, well it isn't total fiction, I know many people like this, many of them, many, many of them. But we'll say the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Here we go, I don't want new guys to fall into eithr one of these types. One is Deca Dan, the other is Ben Dover.
We'll address Deca Dan first. Dan is a bouncer at a nightclub, he works 5 nights a week and then after work he parties until 10 AM the next day, popping extasy, drinking liquor, and acting like an idiot in general. Dan averages about 4 hours of sleep every 24 hours, his diet is horrendous, and he follows a workout in FLEX Magazine. Dan makes gains in his training, big gains. This is because he runs we'll say 1,500mg of Sustanon a week, he eats 15 D-Bols per day, and he crushes up 2 Anadrol-50 Tabs in his post-workout shake. Dan is a strong guy, but he is no world-class athlete. Dan can bench 365 x 10. When Dan stops juicing, he will either get really fat or really small depending on his body type, he will stop lifting, become very depressed, and lose every single gain he made.
Now lets address Ben Dover. Ben is a real nice guy. He works a good, steady 9-5 job. He doesn't go out often, doesn't whore around, in fact he is in the gym 4-5 days a week, every week. The guy has not missed a scheduled workout in 15 years, he is in the gym on Christmas and New Year's day. Every Monday he grabs his favorite bench in the gym and continues to plug away totally drug free. You see, Ben is really against AAS, he feels they are just morally wrong and why would anyone do that to themselves. Ben will never stop lifting weights, he will never miss a workout, his 1RM on the bench press is 350, he looks over at Deca Dan repping 365 x 10 on the next bench and shakes his head saying "if only I would lower my standards and try the juice" then his spotter hands him the bar where he pushes up a very slow 350. On the same day 5 years ago Ben pushed up a very slow 350, and 5 years before that he pushed up a very slow 350.
Lets travel through time and take a lookat these 2 cats 10 years from now. Deca Dan is either a fat ass or a tooth pick, he calmed down and got married, has a day job and a few kids, he is a normal, okay guy. However, if he attempted to bench the 365 he once did for 10 reps he would have his sternum crushed. Ben Dover, has still not missed a workout in ten yearsm he is doing well in life, his one rep max on the bench press? You guessed it, a very slow and steady 350 lbs.
So, does everybody see my point? Don't be an extremist. Train, eat, sleep, build your base. Once you stop gaining there is nothing wrong with a little something to bust you through the wall. When your cycle is over, lay off the shit until you hit another wall. To the guys making gains naturally, don't try AAS until you hit a wall.
I hope this taught some inexperienced guys something, and I hope it amused the guys who know what they're doing.
First I will give my personal experiences. I trained naturally for 9 years before even considering AAS use. Right now I am on for my current training cycle. I have been on for 4 weeks, my weight has so far gone from 260-271. I will tell you that recovery time is incredible, and you have to be a real jackass to overtrain. For example, I did squats ass to the floor on last set was 500x5.....I did power cleans today and my last set was 315x3....that is heavy for me and intense, right now I am not tired, burned out, fatigued, or sore. Thats how they help me, I can train like a madman and still gain. NOW, for the flip side, before I began my cycle my squat was NOT 275 and my clean was NOT 135, I did NOT just begin training, I added lbs and made gains, but I didn't go from 165lbs to 271, it was no "magic potion", just a big enhancement of what I already have.
There's some of my own experiences. Now it is time for a little fiction, well it isn't total fiction, I know many people like this, many of them, many, many of them. But we'll say the names have been changed to protect the innocent. Here we go, I don't want new guys to fall into eithr one of these types. One is Deca Dan, the other is Ben Dover.
We'll address Deca Dan first. Dan is a bouncer at a nightclub, he works 5 nights a week and then after work he parties until 10 AM the next day, popping extasy, drinking liquor, and acting like an idiot in general. Dan averages about 4 hours of sleep every 24 hours, his diet is horrendous, and he follows a workout in FLEX Magazine. Dan makes gains in his training, big gains. This is because he runs we'll say 1,500mg of Sustanon a week, he eats 15 D-Bols per day, and he crushes up 2 Anadrol-50 Tabs in his post-workout shake. Dan is a strong guy, but he is no world-class athlete. Dan can bench 365 x 10. When Dan stops juicing, he will either get really fat or really small depending on his body type, he will stop lifting, become very depressed, and lose every single gain he made.
Now lets address Ben Dover. Ben is a real nice guy. He works a good, steady 9-5 job. He doesn't go out often, doesn't whore around, in fact he is in the gym 4-5 days a week, every week. The guy has not missed a scheduled workout in 15 years, he is in the gym on Christmas and New Year's day. Every Monday he grabs his favorite bench in the gym and continues to plug away totally drug free. You see, Ben is really against AAS, he feels they are just morally wrong and why would anyone do that to themselves. Ben will never stop lifting weights, he will never miss a workout, his 1RM on the bench press is 350, he looks over at Deca Dan repping 365 x 10 on the next bench and shakes his head saying "if only I would lower my standards and try the juice" then his spotter hands him the bar where he pushes up a very slow 350. On the same day 5 years ago Ben pushed up a very slow 350, and 5 years before that he pushed up a very slow 350.
Lets travel through time and take a lookat these 2 cats 10 years from now. Deca Dan is either a fat ass or a tooth pick, he calmed down and got married, has a day job and a few kids, he is a normal, okay guy. However, if he attempted to bench the 365 he once did for 10 reps he would have his sternum crushed. Ben Dover, has still not missed a workout in ten yearsm he is doing well in life, his one rep max on the bench press? You guessed it, a very slow and steady 350 lbs.
So, does everybody see my point? Don't be an extremist. Train, eat, sleep, build your base. Once you stop gaining there is nothing wrong with a little something to bust you through the wall. When your cycle is over, lay off the shit until you hit another wall. To the guys making gains naturally, don't try AAS until you hit a wall.
I hope this taught some inexperienced guys something, and I hope it amused the guys who know what they're doing.