BigPhysics--I am glad to hear there are men like you out there. Ready to please and definitely be please. I love any and all of this stuff. It makes for awesome pleasure.
That I am and yes I will try to tempt you as much as possible. I am here, ready, willing, and able to please you anyway, anyhow, and anywhere. You just name it
Just remember--I love big men with big muscles all over.....
damn you living all the way in Florida........DAMN YOU I SAY!!!!!
seriously, you are exactly the kind of chick i want to hook up with, can't remember if you're married or not, but if not definitely holler at me if you're ever up in my part of the country.;-)
Definitely not married.....Florida is a wonderful place for a vacation you know. Just let me know if you make it down this way at all. Meeting up would probably be one hell of an explosion. WOW--what an thrill. We could rock each others world. Trust me.....
Hey Big Physics
Florida is a great place for Spring Break. Lots and lots of fun, especially here (you know, because I'm here). Maybe you could swing down this way for Spring Break, sunshine, beaches, and fun. You should think about it. You know what they say--blondes have more fun.
Definitely going to have to run Florida past my friends of my buddies used to live in Daytona, so I'll bet he'll be up for Florida if he can get off work during that time. Exactly what part of Florida are you at???
Asian women have the best ass to eat, their lunch box and snatch, I mean snack, are so close together. Gotta make a call, gettin' amped just thinkin' about it.. Ciao
Hey Big Physics,
Oooh Boy, maybe we'll meet. I live in the Tampa Bay area. Near Tampa, Clearwater. Daytona's not too far. A couple of hours away. I'll keep hoping. I just love reading this thread. I just love it. It always gets me sooooooo excited.