I’ve done a couple of cycles and I’ve spotted some scales that sync up to your phone and can measure everything, such as weight, bmi, BF, water weight, muscle mass etc… just wondering how good or bad these things are.
all these fit apps are bullshit and do more harm than good. the only thing i recommend is if you use an apple watch keeping track of your HR is useful so you know what workouts are doing what. or if you are running how fast you are pacing so you can improve yourself.
I’ve done a couple of cycles and I’ve spotted some scales that sync up to your phone and can measure everything, such as weight, bmi, BF, water weight, muscle mass etc… just wondering how good or bad these things are.
I’ve done a couple of cycles and I’ve spotted some scales that sync up to your phone and can measure everything, such as weight, bmi, BF, water weight, muscle mass etc… just wondering how good or bad these things are.
They aren’t very reliable. Skin calliper measurements are better for measuring BF% but you need someone taking the measurements that knows what they’re doing.
all these fit apps are bullshit and do more harm than good. the only thing i recommend is if you use an apple watch keeping track of your HR is useful so you know what workouts are doing what. or if you are running how fast you are pacing so you can improve yourself.