Sassy, I thought of you the other night while reading an article in Redbook.
They said if you have problems fallling asleep, set a time for yourself to go to bed, so you are forcing yourself to go to sleep. Lets say 1 a.m.---even if you have to get up at 7 a.m.
Instead of worrying about how you will get to sleep, you will worry about how you will stay up that late.Then, you will probably conk right out when you hit the sack.
They said do that for about two weeks, then start making the time earlier and earlier until you are getting your 8 hours.
Probably a bunch of crappola, but I thought of you anyway when I read it
They said if you have problems fallling asleep, set a time for yourself to go to bed, so you are forcing yourself to go to sleep. Lets say 1 a.m.---even if you have to get up at 7 a.m.
Instead of worrying about how you will get to sleep, you will worry about how you will stay up that late.Then, you will probably conk right out when you hit the sack.
They said do that for about two weeks, then start making the time earlier and earlier until you are getting your 8 hours.
Probably a bunch of crappola, but I thought of you anyway when I read it