You know I recently talked with a counselor because I had gone to see a regular MD for a full blood workup and was expecting to be pointed to a nutritionist or something because the situation I'm experiencing right now is a gain of 20 lbs following a (natural) bb comp last November. My trainer did two things for me-- encouraged me to load ECA (built my own stack from ephedrine, No Doz & aspirin) after which I apparently just burnt out on it and it may well be the cause of my current metabolism problems??? and the other was to train me basically like a power lifter I guess- I added a good 10 lbs of muscle but also a lot of bodyfat on a heavy training program with a lot of complex carbs and not much cardio. As a result, I basically increased my "plateau" weight a good 20 lbs and I haven't been able to lower it despite diet changes and continued balls-to-the-wall training & cardio.
Soooooo, anyway, I go to see this doc about my bloodtests - see if I have a screwed up thyroid or whatever. I take my blood tests, everything is normal, but immediately after I took the tests, but before I got the results back, that doc left his firm on some family emergency and ended up leaving for good. So I had started this counselor expecting to want some "mental" support as I went into what I thought was going to be some experimental dieting regimes (e.g. try this diet, try that, find out how to tweak, etc.). But since the MD left, and I had already seen 2 others who were flaky as shit (one heard me describing my weight situation as "fat chick wants to lose weight fast" - prescribed fentermine and said "have a nice day", second guy started hitting on me-- gawd...). So I just bailed out of the whole doctor thing. The counselor suggested that I've been mildly depressed most of my life and that she would recommend one of the prescription anti-depressants except that they would make me gain weight. Which brings me back to exactly the source of my last 9 months' frustration.
That is why I don't care to go for prescription meds. I've always been a night owl and often have trouble sleeping - I've had my best luck when my diet is clean and I am making positive progress in my life. Currently my diet is clean, but I'm still stuck at a higher weight than I prefer and most of my clothes dont' fit and it has greatly affected my comfort being out in public and many other facets of my life. Soooo.. bottom line, that is where I need to make my progress.
May sound silly to anyone reading this, but that's where I'm at and that's how I got here.