The poles have shifted before and are in the process of shifting now. It's not some big whoosh, like an earthquake, it's a slow process.
And I'm sorry, but if some of the most highly respected druids, witches, priestesses, astrologers and elders of the entire North American pagan community ain't worrying, I sure as hell ain't worrying.
We have huge floods now, remember that tsunami in 2004? It killed a quarter of a million people. How did that affect you? What about New Orleans?
We have fires, look at California, look at Austrailia.
There are volcanos and earthquakes going off all over the place. But is your life changing? We have natural disasters ALL the time, and they are catastrophic. If you were to relay this information to your extreme ancestors they'd probably think this is a terrible time we're living in. It's just what's happening. The world will not change in the blink of an eye.
And just because it's a certain date thinking that shit is going to start hitting this planet from space is just daft. The fact is, we're long overdue for a biggie, but until we can figure out how to get Bruce Willis up there to set off a nuclear bomb, ain't a whole lot any of us can do about a planet killer so worrying about it is like worrying about your own death. You're not going to prevent it, and you'll only make yourself miserable until it happens.