I woke up this morning knowing that my workout wasn't gonna go well...lol. I felt like I was fighting all night long in my sleep, night sweats, tossing and turning, kept waking up, etc... Woke up feeling dehydrated and couldn't get hydrated...
I did some light stuff in the gym. Zerchers and Calf Raises...but nothing really to speak of. Couldn't get going really....
Conan's Wheel
600 x 1.5 turns or so (really can't remember)
500 x 1 turn
650 yoke, 550 tire, 375 duck walk, 400 sled x 25' each
walked in between legs of the medley and still got it in 50 seconds. I hope to get it under 40 next week with a heavier sled and heavier yoke.
At this point...the driveway was spinning in my head non-stop.
Hercules Hold (thicker handle than last week, much harder)
300 x 33 seconds
150 x 30+ seconds (easy)
Truck Push
Suburban 100', 24 seconds (I think)
That was it for me really...everyone else had an AWESOME DAY!!!