she has with me off and on but really not until real recently.most the time she went to the gym with me she just ended up spotting me or running. she had done squats a couple times on a smith machine but thats bout it. untill a few days ago she had never done an ohp much less clean one from the ground and ohp. She's just now learning bout ohp's, box squats, board presses, dl's, tate presses. some of them she is learning with me such as tate presses, it was my 1st time doing them when she done them.
manda said she is REALLY sore today....i am as well, but gotta love it tho, feels so good at the end of the i'm off to the chinese buffet
Wow looks like you guys had a great day. Let me just say that I am very proud of Amanda. She did very well. I know she must be very proud of herself....I know what it feels like to attend a training day with clint and leave there feeling like you actually accomplished something. I can't wait for the comp. To compete with amanda and nefi will make it that much better!!!!!! I was starting to feel like I would be all alone... So I am psyched!!!!!!