b fold the truth Elite Strongman Platinum Jun 22, 2003 #11 Conan's Wheel (he is a machine on this event...)
b fold the truth Elite Strongman Platinum Jun 22, 2003 #12 Jason herc hold Viking Press Conan's Wheel
b fold the truth Elite Strongman Platinum Jun 22, 2003 #13 Medley... Perfect form on the 245 stone... 265 stone...
b fold the truth Elite Strongman Platinum Jun 22, 2003 #14 Here are some pics of my rack. Still a bit in progress...but well on the way... The new farmers are SWEET!!!!!! Happy with how things went today...I am progressing and that is all that I can ask for. B True
Here are some pics of my rack. Still a bit in progress...but well on the way... The new farmers are SWEET!!!!!! Happy with how things went today...I am progressing and that is all that I can ask for. B True
kingc_79 New member Jun 22, 2003 #15 thanks for postin those pics clint, that's just motivation lookin at those.
T t3c Guest Jun 23, 2003 #16 cool man...definately awesome stuff king is getting strong at an INSANELY fast rate...its awesome jason is doing awesome too
cool man...definately awesome stuff king is getting strong at an INSANELY fast rate...its awesome jason is doing awesome too
b fold the truth Elite Strongman Platinum Jun 23, 2003 #18 louden_swain said: Great job!! Hows the knee btw?? Click to expand... Knee is ok. I took 1 ibuprofen before my workout and before I began events I put athletic tape above and below my knee. It really has nothing to do with the knee itself...but the hamstring tendons that go under the knee and come around and attach to the shin... B True
louden_swain said: Great job!! Hows the knee btw?? Click to expand... Knee is ok. I took 1 ibuprofen before my workout and before I began events I put athletic tape above and below my knee. It really has nothing to do with the knee itself...but the hamstring tendons that go under the knee and come around and attach to the shin... B True
kingc_79 New member Jun 23, 2003 #19 t3c said: cool man...definately awesome stuff king is getting strong at an INSANELY fast rate...its awesome jason is doing awesome too Click to expand... thanks alot man, appreciate it
t3c said: cool man...definately awesome stuff king is getting strong at an INSANELY fast rate...its awesome jason is doing awesome too Click to expand... thanks alot man, appreciate it
S slobberknocker Guest Jun 23, 2003 #20 Nice job guys. That shit looks like so much fun. Seriously. Hey bfold, how much does a tire that size cost, and where do you get something like that?
Nice job guys. That shit looks like so much fun. Seriously. Hey bfold, how much does a tire that size cost, and where do you get something like that?