I am surprised that Hall was fired, that leaves Xpac, Big Show and Nash whenever he gets the doctor clearance to return. Flair maybe the so called "brains" behind the operation, but he has ZERO talent left to work with since Hogan and Hall are out. Hogan had the star power, Hall had the charisma and best in ring performance. And Curt Henning was just a waste of using his second chance (or third depending on how you view it) in the WWE. Most wrestlers his age would have been put out to pasture. I would be surprised if Golddust is fired, since he is in the hot skits with Booker T. That tag team was getting some serious pops to their work and interviews. He was setting Booker T up for a face turn.
On one hand they are firing enough talent to lend a competeing brand serious superstars to use. On the other hand, the way they are firing them, don't be surprised if you see the Iron Sheik or Mr. Wrestling II back on tv in order to fill out the mid card ranks.