I am 5'10'' 170lbs 25 yrs and I am trying to get ripped for summer but i am having a little bit of trouble with my diet how many carbs should I be taking in each day and of those should they only be complex carbs?
i would say 50g simple carbs pst workout... Then 50-75g complx throughout the day but not past 6pm. That worked for me prior to my keto diet, but if you are under 10%bf good luck trying to get under that with carbs
cool thx guys
I am not under 10% BF so I guess I can still eat some carbs but do complex turn to fat like simple ones? Also would it be ok to just stay away from simple carbs most of the time except for like say maybe 1-2 times a week eat them?
simple carbs postworkout are a great tool... It will take you out of the catabolic state your workout put you in and put you on the road to recovery.... i would have them postworkout after every heavy training session