The "Honey, could I keep my maiden name or perhaps hyphenate our last names" conversation lasted about 2 seconds w/my exhusband. One wonders why he is the EXhusband.. LOL ALL MY STUPIDITY.
I kept my married name, however, as it is the last name I share with my children. The thought to change it back after my divorce never entered my mind because even though there is no human on the face of this earth that I despise more than my ex - I wouldn't want to hurt my kids or make them feel alienated.
When I remarry I will either keep my children's names or if my beau likes, I will hyphenate (sorry if this pisses anyone off. honestly, if you don't like it, ignore it and call me silly!
). If my husband prefers I make the choice, then I will cross that bridge when I come to it.
If you REALLY feel that strongly about it and he does not recognize the importance of this to YOU (I mean, keeping your name) I may sound silly, but to me at least - THAT IS A BAD SIGN.
For the record, I am all about the white picket fence and dont begrudge any one that happiness. For me though, having been through an unbelievable divorce/custody battle wringer THE ONLY reason to legally remarry is for the happiness and security of my children. Me, I don't NEED a piece of paper to validate my union... been there/done that.