I don't really like my last name because it's always either pronounced or spelled wrong, so I wouldn't mind changing it, although getting married won't happen for a LONG time here...but I definately see where you're coming from.
I am, however, anti-marriage. I have what my roommates have titled "Sex and the City Syndrome." I'm 23, and a lot of my friends are starting to get married. I, on the other hand, have NO desire to do so whatsoever in the near future. (I say not until I'm 30). I'm in graduate school, not sure where I'm going or what I'm doing from here, and I'm perfectly happy doing what I want, living with two of my best friends, and spending all my money (or what little of it that I have) on myself! My friends who are married all say "I"ll come around" or "my time is coming soon" but I beg to differ. Just because I have a wonderful boyfriend who I've been with for a few years doesn't mean I want to get married any time this decade. Frankly I HATE how my married friends act like they're some part of some special club now. Like they can't have fun with their single friends any more because "that's not their life now." One of my recently married friends and I no longer speak because she started acting like she was somehow better than all of us lowly unmarried people the minute she got engaged. Ugh. And even if/when I do decide to get married, I will probably be too darn lazy to plan a wedding. I don't see the point in all the craziness. I'd much rather elope or do something short/sweet/small, go on a nice long trip someplace warm, and put the $ that would have been spent on a reception toward a house or something more practical. But that's just me
Wow, that sounds so Carrie Bradshaw