Wouldn’t say that at all your getting a massive insulin spike and blood sugar spike from honey. A lot of things that do that actually come from the earth like fruit. These things are not meant to be consumed regularly. Think how hard your pancreas is working all day. Sugar alcohols aren’t bad at all some are worse than others of course and gives an insulin response but a lot don’t just do the research
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this myth that fruit is bad for you needs to die. fruit is full of water and fiber. it barely has any sugar. a melon for example is 95% water, 4% fiber and 1% sugar
everything you eat gets converted to sugar by the body processing it.
diabetics did not get insulin resistant from eating fruit, they got that way from eating too often, and eating processed and unnatural foods... look up the insulin index vs. the glycemic index. watermelon has a GI of 70 same as a bagel.. but only a 4 II.. hmmm.. yet doctors tell diabetics to avoid fruit but its okay to eat bread, cereal (cheerios), etc.
fruit and raw honey won't make you fat at all. we evolved from the jungles of Africa consuming tons of fruits. it is the easiest thing for our body to process
do me a favor and read dr. Jason Fungs books on this subject. he is 100% right. i actually went from a glucose level of 127 to now 69 by simply changing to a natural diet which includes A LOT of fruit