bro's..... first of all, chill. this is just a board. BOT everyone makes thier living in thier own way, just like you. You cant take anything away from G. Spellwin or any of the moderators on ef. i dont give a f'n rats ass if m18 or any of the other mods are 18, 22 or 12. i, personally have learned quite a bit from the mods, including posts from m18. if some dumn fuck wants to take the first bit of advice from someone on this board, whether moderator or not, that's his/her own stupidity.... the first thing most members learn on this board is to read their ass off, use the search engine and read some more so they may be educated enough in what they're trying to do to make thier own sound judgement in what they're capible of handling as far as quantity in a cycle. another thing, i've rarely seen any advice given to anyone from a mod or a vet without first hearing thier stats, goals and experience. BIGDOM, i feel the rage, dude... remember, on this board everyone has a right to thier opinion, BOT was expressing his thoughts.... no need to get personal w/ him.... the worst thing he said was m18 doesn't know shit which, in a statement is simply.... untrue. thoughts brothers??? keep 'em comin'.