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A little bit of something I have been working on. More will follow.
Active Recovery
What is active recovery? Active recovery is a method of not only clearing blood lactate, but using the bodies natural recovery ability to enhance athletic performance. Even though most of this has been directed at endurance athletes, it can be adapted to strength training athletes as well. By stimulating the clearance of lactate, the glycotic system, which is one of the primary methods of allowing the muscles to continue to generate force, can be more readily replenished.
The process of metabolism of fat, carbohydrate, or protein, which can occur as a result of intense muscular activity, generally results in the production and accumulation of lactate and hydrogen ions (H+) ( a symport mechanism where two molecules are moved simultaneously in the same direction) due to the dissociation of inorganic acids. Please note that lactate and lactic acid are not the same compound. Lactic acid is an acid with the chemical formula C3H6O8, and lactate is any salt of lactic acid. When lactic acid releases H+, the remaining compound joins with Na+ or K+ to form a salt. Anaerobic glycolysis produces lactic acid, but it quickly dissociates and the salt - lactate - is formed1. This process not only increases intramuscular levels of lactate but circulating levels as well.2,3 Elevated levels of lactate both inhibits further glycogen breakdown during resistance exercise4,5 as well as inhibiting the activity of glycotic enzymes.6 In addition, the acid decreases the muscle fibers’ calcium-binding capacity and thus may further impede muscle contraction.
There has been a great deal of research showing the positive effects of active recovery on lactate removal, and it has been shown that lactate removal occurs far more rapidly during continuous aerobic recovery.7,8,9,10,11 Most of these studies have been on endurance type activities, but have shown that the greatest reductions in blood lactate occur at an average of 63% aerobic power (O2 max). The rate of blood lactate removal is related to the intensity of the recovery exercise with optimal recovery occurring between 25% and 63% of O2 max.12,13
There has not been much research into the effects of active recovery on high-intensity exercise, although a few studies have been performed.14,15,16 They have all shown that short duration active recovery provides superior performance in comparison to passive rest. This has been demonstrated to improve both efficiency as well as power output. Only a single study has been performed on the effects of active rest during resistance training.17 During a squat workout, where ten rep sets were performed, low intensity cycling was done at 25 and 50% of onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA). Active recovery was performed on a bicycle ergometer. Recovery was shown to be greatest at 25% OBLA, which was indicated by the greatest increase in performance on a maximal repetition squat test. This clearly shows the benefits of active recovery for resistance trainers.
Active recovery is using submaximal work to stimulate the removal of lactate, as was previously mentioned. There are a great many varieties of active recovery. The simplest would be performing submaximal (as based on perceived effort levels) sets of a similar type of activity during a period of time when one has recovered enough to execute the movements safely, but not so far recovered that there will be little to no benefit. An example would be executing a few sets of squats on the day following an intense squat workout. While the percentages may vary, a simple plan would be 50% of the weight, 50% of the volume. This may not provide enough stimulation, and the percentages could be varied based on the recovery ability as well as the skill of the individual. While this sort of workout will do little to clear lactate, which should already be back to normal, it can help with the micro trauma caused following resistance training by promoting an increase in blood flow to the area, and this inflammation can simulate some of the effects of the inflammation stage of injury, which promotes the release of chemical mediators from the cells into the extra cellular fluid, and can cause the release of inflammatory mediators such as kinins and prostoglandins.18 The use of bands, such as jumpstretch bands, can also be used to achieve a similar effect, as many of the exercise performed in the gym can be duplicated in the home, which will not only provide active recovery, but convenience as well. For these purposes, the bands can be considered light recovery work, similar to a low intensity set.
Active recovery can be used during a training session, as was previously discussed. In a method similar to the above light working sets, low intensity sets can be performed in between higher intensity sets. At Westside, many lifters will perform sets of pushdowns during rest periods when executing heavy tricep movement. This is active recovery. The bands can be used as well. Pushups could be performed in-between bench sets, etc. The variations are practically endless.
Passive recovery, although not really discussed, should at least be mentioned. It is just what it says: passive, doing nothing. The best example of passive recovery is going to sleep, and this is something that should never be neglected like certain idiots are doing as they finish typing this at 0200.
Other methods of improving recovery. Conditioning takes many names, and one of the most popular is GPP, or general physical preparedness. This has been discussed exhaustively by both Louie Simmons and Dave Tate, and everyone should know where to look for their articles. It is also discussed extensively in the Russian literature that the idea was taken from, along with the need to raise training volume. Like any other skill, the more you practice, the better you become, assuming you are performing properly, hence the need to recover. There is one school of thought, which claims, ad nauseum, that as you get stronger, you must increase your recovery time, and decrease your training volume. Only two things will be said about this: They are wrong, and you never see them winning lifting championships.
Recommended reading:
Devlin’s Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations. Thomas M. Devlin, ed. Wiley-Liss Pub. New York.
Science and Practice of Strength Training. Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky. Human Kinetics. Ill.
The Training of the Weightlifter. RA Roman. Sportivny Press. Livonia, MI.
A System of Multi-Year Training in Weightlifting. AS Medvedyev. Sportivny Press.
Managing the Training of Weightlifters. Laputin and Oleshko. Sportivny Press.
Fundamentals of Special Strength Training in Sport. Verkoshansky. Sportivny Press.
Supertraining. Siff and Verkoshansky. Supertraining Publications. CO.
Active Recovery
What is active recovery? Active recovery is a method of not only clearing blood lactate, but using the bodies natural recovery ability to enhance athletic performance. Even though most of this has been directed at endurance athletes, it can be adapted to strength training athletes as well. By stimulating the clearance of lactate, the glycotic system, which is one of the primary methods of allowing the muscles to continue to generate force, can be more readily replenished.
The process of metabolism of fat, carbohydrate, or protein, which can occur as a result of intense muscular activity, generally results in the production and accumulation of lactate and hydrogen ions (H+) ( a symport mechanism where two molecules are moved simultaneously in the same direction) due to the dissociation of inorganic acids. Please note that lactate and lactic acid are not the same compound. Lactic acid is an acid with the chemical formula C3H6O8, and lactate is any salt of lactic acid. When lactic acid releases H+, the remaining compound joins with Na+ or K+ to form a salt. Anaerobic glycolysis produces lactic acid, but it quickly dissociates and the salt - lactate - is formed1. This process not only increases intramuscular levels of lactate but circulating levels as well.2,3 Elevated levels of lactate both inhibits further glycogen breakdown during resistance exercise4,5 as well as inhibiting the activity of glycotic enzymes.6 In addition, the acid decreases the muscle fibers’ calcium-binding capacity and thus may further impede muscle contraction.
There has been a great deal of research showing the positive effects of active recovery on lactate removal, and it has been shown that lactate removal occurs far more rapidly during continuous aerobic recovery.7,8,9,10,11 Most of these studies have been on endurance type activities, but have shown that the greatest reductions in blood lactate occur at an average of 63% aerobic power (O2 max). The rate of blood lactate removal is related to the intensity of the recovery exercise with optimal recovery occurring between 25% and 63% of O2 max.12,13
There has not been much research into the effects of active recovery on high-intensity exercise, although a few studies have been performed.14,15,16 They have all shown that short duration active recovery provides superior performance in comparison to passive rest. This has been demonstrated to improve both efficiency as well as power output. Only a single study has been performed on the effects of active rest during resistance training.17 During a squat workout, where ten rep sets were performed, low intensity cycling was done at 25 and 50% of onset of blood lactate accumulation (OBLA). Active recovery was performed on a bicycle ergometer. Recovery was shown to be greatest at 25% OBLA, which was indicated by the greatest increase in performance on a maximal repetition squat test. This clearly shows the benefits of active recovery for resistance trainers.
Active recovery is using submaximal work to stimulate the removal of lactate, as was previously mentioned. There are a great many varieties of active recovery. The simplest would be performing submaximal (as based on perceived effort levels) sets of a similar type of activity during a period of time when one has recovered enough to execute the movements safely, but not so far recovered that there will be little to no benefit. An example would be executing a few sets of squats on the day following an intense squat workout. While the percentages may vary, a simple plan would be 50% of the weight, 50% of the volume. This may not provide enough stimulation, and the percentages could be varied based on the recovery ability as well as the skill of the individual. While this sort of workout will do little to clear lactate, which should already be back to normal, it can help with the micro trauma caused following resistance training by promoting an increase in blood flow to the area, and this inflammation can simulate some of the effects of the inflammation stage of injury, which promotes the release of chemical mediators from the cells into the extra cellular fluid, and can cause the release of inflammatory mediators such as kinins and prostoglandins.18 The use of bands, such as jumpstretch bands, can also be used to achieve a similar effect, as many of the exercise performed in the gym can be duplicated in the home, which will not only provide active recovery, but convenience as well. For these purposes, the bands can be considered light recovery work, similar to a low intensity set.
Active recovery can be used during a training session, as was previously discussed. In a method similar to the above light working sets, low intensity sets can be performed in between higher intensity sets. At Westside, many lifters will perform sets of pushdowns during rest periods when executing heavy tricep movement. This is active recovery. The bands can be used as well. Pushups could be performed in-between bench sets, etc. The variations are practically endless.
Passive recovery, although not really discussed, should at least be mentioned. It is just what it says: passive, doing nothing. The best example of passive recovery is going to sleep, and this is something that should never be neglected like certain idiots are doing as they finish typing this at 0200.
Other methods of improving recovery. Conditioning takes many names, and one of the most popular is GPP, or general physical preparedness. This has been discussed exhaustively by both Louie Simmons and Dave Tate, and everyone should know where to look for their articles. It is also discussed extensively in the Russian literature that the idea was taken from, along with the need to raise training volume. Like any other skill, the more you practice, the better you become, assuming you are performing properly, hence the need to recover. There is one school of thought, which claims, ad nauseum, that as you get stronger, you must increase your recovery time, and decrease your training volume. Only two things will be said about this: They are wrong, and you never see them winning lifting championships.
Recommended reading:
Devlin’s Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations. Thomas M. Devlin, ed. Wiley-Liss Pub. New York.
Science and Practice of Strength Training. Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky. Human Kinetics. Ill.
The Training of the Weightlifter. RA Roman. Sportivny Press. Livonia, MI.
A System of Multi-Year Training in Weightlifting. AS Medvedyev. Sportivny Press.
Managing the Training of Weightlifters. Laputin and Oleshko. Sportivny Press.
Fundamentals of Special Strength Training in Sport. Verkoshansky. Sportivny Press.
Supertraining. Siff and Verkoshansky. Supertraining Publications. CO.