At my gym I want to inform all the really big people I see working their asses off on the ab machine... but when they're on the cardio deck, they half ass it and get no where.
... you decide, tight muscles you can't see or loosing 4 inches on your waist, or both... diet and cardio first and formost.
o well i do work my ass more than the normal "gym-rat".. i have a strong HS football work ethic and lost 30 lbs since december and kept my bench max at 345. i do 30 mins cardio/night w/ long lift
im kind of plateauing though because of low caloric intake breaking down my metabolism.. but i recently started eating more so i'll kickstart my metabolism
Dont do abs. Because of your size your abs should have good size to them naturally. Start the cardio and your waiist will form to them. I used to do abs 5 days a week when I was fatter and now that I am leaner have this funny looking hard beer belly type thing. Just keep the diet up they will come in