New member
I'm about to turn 34 I'm 5'10" 195-200lb 12-13%BF. I have yet to run a cycle of injectable gear.
My question is hard to search for so I'm trying to educate myself by asking here.
I see many different forums and threads discussing all types of cycles and gear being used. However, I haven't seen many that discuss which cycles are intended for various goals.
My question is along the lines of this -
Two men take the same basic Test Enanthate cycle; one for mass gain and one for strength gain. Do they both achieve their results? Are certain compounds tailored towards one goal more than another? I'm trying to educate myself on AAS and design my own cycle while taking advice from the experienced; however I am finding that not everyone had the same opinion of a beginner cycle or a specific cycle for a persons goal.
If one rat injects 500mg/week of TestE looking to gain strength and another takes the same for both cycles equally assist the rat in obtaining their intended goal?
Perhaps my question will be misunderstood or lost in this so please try to read and understand rather than jump to a response or treat me like an ignorant noob. I'm here to learn and be educated and perhaps others can learn as well.
My question is hard to search for so I'm trying to educate myself by asking here.
I see many different forums and threads discussing all types of cycles and gear being used. However, I haven't seen many that discuss which cycles are intended for various goals.
My question is along the lines of this -
Two men take the same basic Test Enanthate cycle; one for mass gain and one for strength gain. Do they both achieve their results? Are certain compounds tailored towards one goal more than another? I'm trying to educate myself on AAS and design my own cycle while taking advice from the experienced; however I am finding that not everyone had the same opinion of a beginner cycle or a specific cycle for a persons goal.
If one rat injects 500mg/week of TestE looking to gain strength and another takes the same for both cycles equally assist the rat in obtaining their intended goal?
Perhaps my question will be misunderstood or lost in this so please try to read and understand rather than jump to a response or treat me like an ignorant noob. I'm here to learn and be educated and perhaps others can learn as well.