+5 on the deads, consider that workout a success.
Pullups look better and the standing press has evened out. 105x5 isn't bad at all.
Hope your outside stress dies down. This is good preparation for life right here. Just ask around, there is almost always something. Family issues, spouse/significant other issues, work, school, health, you name it. What i would suggest you focus on is using the gym as a sanctuary. When you walk in that door it's just you, gravity, and your logbook. When you have that PR weight on your back and about to squat that 3rd rep, you are forced into the present moment. There is no way to be thinking about anything else besides your fight against gravity. Your training can become like a moving meditation, a way to release all of your inner resistance and stress.
This is what i've done with my training over the past 2 years. It's slowly becoming less a means to an end (like getting a beach body) and more a simple part of my being. This has caused the quality of my training to skyrocket and my body has never looked better. It's ironic, my body ends up looking better as my motivation for training becomes less and less about making my body look better.
Anyway, done with my sermon. Well done on the those deads.