Today's Diet:
Breakfast: Protein Shake, oatmeal, bannana
snack: Better Protein Bar
Lunch: 2 orders of sweet and sour chicken, rice, green bean things (school lunch)
snack: fiber bar
snack: small Better Protein Bar, Amplify 02
Post Workout: Protein shake, Raw MCC
Dinner: sphaghetti
Also, I def jumped to much last week, I reformatted my spreadsheet to give me more of a challange this week and I paid the price, I could handle the weight, and prob would have mastered it if it weren't for the lack of concentration, but my upper left leg started giving me hell today, feels slightly strained. I love seeing gains, but I know I've got to take it slow.
I was a little worried about you jumping too much in one week (but it was worth a try I guess). I know you have a goal/ deadline, but the program is meant for progress over a long period of time, The key is adding a little weight to the bar each week for as long as you can. Jumping too much too soon is the downfall of a lot of people on this program.
The entire time on the program you are constantly getting stronger. Even the weeks leading up to your starting 5 rep Pr's you are getting stronger.
Say your starting bench max was 5 x 200. By week 4, even though you haven't pressed 200 x 5, in the 4 previous weeks your strength has increased and you are now stronger then when you started. Your new max is higher 210 x 5 for example(even though you haven't even pressed 200 x 5 yet, you have gained strength over those first 4 weeks). The strength is already there by week 4 to lift more than 200 x 5, but you only press 200 x 5 on week 4, saving what ever is left for the next week.... and so on. If on week 4 you went and pressed your new max 210 x 5, yes you got it and increased your bench by 10lbs, but now you have no where to go, you just pressed your max, you have nothing for next week (which seems to be what you did last week, by jumping 20lbs in your lifts).
The goal is to increase the weight every week, not lift for a couple of weeks and then jump to your new max. Eventually you will get to a point where even with small increases you are at your true 5 rep max (that could be 8, 12, 15 weeks from now). That is when you reset and work your way back up, and do it all over again.
If you need a spotter for any reps those reps don't count. This Monday I would suggest either repeating what you did yesterday trying to get all the reps in with no spotter, or reset the weight back 5-10lbs less and work back up to these weight's in 2 weeks time.
Still go for your 3 rep Pr's on Friday though.
Distractions suck, but as OneBreath says, everyone has those kind of days.